How to buy the OTI Equity tokens
(OTI tokens)

Pre-sale OTI Equity tokens – be held from January 10, 2022.
The price is the following: 1 OTI = 0,70 USD or 0,70 USD =1 OTI.
*Note: In the near future, the token will be sale on cryptocurrency exchange. The name of exchange will be announced additionally.
The minimum or maximum limits for the OTI tokens purchase are not established.
The following currencies are accepted: EURO, USD, GBP, UAH, RUR, KZT, ETH, BTC, USDT.
*Note: OTI tokens could be purchased for other currency but in this case the preliminary agreement is required.
Payment terms:
1. Bank transfer by SWIFT system;
2. Payment through the payment system PayPal.
3. Payment through the payment system Advanced Cash.
4. Payment by Blockchain systems.
In the course of all stages, sales of the OTI token, all financial resources received from the sale, will be directed to the implementation and development of the GEC GreenEnergyCoin project.
Upon completion of the STO, a stock exchange listing of the OTI token will be conducted.
It is mean that OTI tokens will be available for open sale/buy on the international cryptocurrancy exchanges, for all market participants.
OTI token is a security (convertible bond) in digital format and the Owner of OTI tokens will receive annual dividends of 12% per annum.
After 360 days from the date of purchase, OTI tokens Holders can sell them on the cryptocurrency market.
What is necessary to buy a OTI token:
1. The Buyer (Investor) shall have the ETH wallet, ERС20 standard, on Ethereum platform.
In case if the Buyer (Investor) has not ETH wallet, the process to open it is very easy and will take a few minutes. In order to open the ETH wallet, it is necessary to use the link and follow the instructions given by the system: https://www.myetherwallet.com/
2. The Buyer (Investor) shall let us know its ETH wallet number that we can send the OTI tokens.
3. The Buyer (Investor) shall inform of the financial agent of phe progect - OFEK Consalting d.o.o. about its intention to buy OTI tokens. For this, the Buyer (Investor) must send to the OFEK Consalting d.o.o., a letter - application form by e-mail: gecger@gmail.com or info@ofekdoo.com
In the letter-application form it is necessary to specify the amount of the transaction and the currency of payment.
After receiving the application form and its processing in the system, we send the Buyer (Investor) a investment agreement for signature and forward the numbers of ou rpayment details for making payments .
This process will take maximum 24 hours from the time of receipt of the application form.
Following the investment agreement signature, the Buyer (Investor) sends money to the OFEK Consalting d.o.o.
Following the money receipt on the banking account or the cryptocurrency wallet, the OFEK Consalting d.o.o. sends OTI tokens to the Buyer’s ETH wallet.
Sending of the OTI tokens to the address of the Buyer (Investor) takes only a few minutes, after the receipt of the money to the bank account or the crypto-currency account of the OFEK Consalting d.o.o.
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