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Security Token
OTI Equity Token

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OTI Equity Token FACE.1.png

OTI Equity Token (hereinafter OTI) - is a Security token, investment grade and complies with the ERC20 standard. OTI - released on the basis of the Ethereum platform and supports the ERC20 standard, which guarantees the compatibility of the token with third-party services (wallets, exchanges, listings, etc.) and provides easy integration with these services. The Ethereum platform fully supports the Dapps concept thanks to the installed Solidity language for writing a smart contract, which will be used to implement a number of necessary functions.

OTI Equity Token, issued to attract investment to finance and implement the project "CEC GREENENERGYCOIN" - the construction and commissioning of new Solar Power Plants (SPP) through the introduction of innovative and advanced technologies.

Owning OTI Equity Token is equivalent to owning assets, shares, and OTI Equity Token holders have ownership and voting rights in management or any other rights in relation to the GEC GREENENERGYTOKEN project and the Company OFEK Technology Inc.

OTI Equity Token is a completely new security token, which includes all the necessary requirements for security tokens in accordance with US law and of the rules SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), USA.

Owners (Holders) of OTI Equity Token are paid dividends at the rate of 22% per annum.


OTI Equity Token - combines the best global developments of leading programmers and developers of Security tokens such as; - Harbor, Polymath and Securitize.

Information about issue OTI Equity Token:

Standard: ERC20

Smart contract: 0x08Ac43A8254ed0bef8acC3EF440ac625C2DD7197

Description: OTI Equity Token

Symbol : OTI

Nominal value: 1OTI = US$ 1.00

Total quantity: 465,000,000

OTI Equity Token - will raise funds through sales under private contracts and conducting STO (Security Token Offering).

Security Token Offering (STO) - a form of attracting investments in the form of selling to investors a fixed amount of digital securities - Security tokens obtained through one-time or additional issues, and which comply with US law and the requirements of the SEC (The United States Securities and Exchange Commission), USA.

Investors can finance the project 
"GEC GREENENERGYCOIN" through the purchase of OTI Equity Token.

OTI Equity Tokens - is a secured token and issued on the basis of securities of OFEK Technology Inc., USA- CONVERTIBLE PROMISSORY NOTE / CONVERTIBLE EUROBOND which meet the requirements of US law, the rules and requirements of SEC (The United States Securities and Exchange Commission), USA.

In the future, OTI Equity Token give Investors the opportunity to become a shareholder of OFEK Technology Inc., and receive income from its activities.

OFEK Technology Inc., intends to accrue and pay dividends to Investors for the amount of investments made through the purchase of OTI Equity Tokens. The interest rate of paid dividends for Investors is: 22% per annum.


More information about OTI Equity Token on the Issuer's website:

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Let's make the World better, and yourself richer!

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